Monday, August 3, 2020

August Council Meeting

Tuesday, August 4, at 7 pm. If interested in joining  the meeting and learning more, email us at to get the Zoom meeting information.  

August updates and meeting

CCLC will be having an August monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 4, at 7 pm. If interested in joining and learning more, email us at to get the meeting information.  COVID-19 isn’t stopping us. CCLC is open for and continues to tutor with virtual distance learning. Nothing can beat face to face, but when you have a computer, laptop, tablet or even a cell phone, tutoring (or learning) can and will continue. We are in the process of working on changing our workshop to combined virtual sessions and short in-person session.  Announcements soon!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Goal reached

We are proud to say that after almost two years of dedication to a strong goal to serve our country in the military, DC passed the ASVAB  (the military entrance exam)!  A huge thank you to DC's terrific tutor who, along with DC, was dedicated and committed to the achievement of his goal.

Workshop status

Because of COVID-19 and understanding the comfort and safety levels, we are in the process of working on changing our workshop to combined virtual sessions and one short in-person session. We hope to have a planned quality workshop ready to go by  mid-August. The need for our services has not gone away.  We still need tutors.  Email us at for information and updates.

July meeting

Tonight, July 7, at 7 pm we will have our monthly Zoom meeting.  If interested in joining and learning more, email us at to get the meeting information.

Office Update

The office itself may be closed, but COVID-19 isn’t stopping us. CCLC is open and continues to tutor with virtual distance learning. Nothing can beat face to face, but when you have a computer, laptop, tablet or even a cell phone, tutoring (or learning) can and will continue. We are in the process of working on changing our workshop to combined virtual sessions and short in-person session.  We still need tutors.  Tonight, July 7, at 7 pm we will have our monthly Zoom meeting.  If interested in joining and learning more, email us at to get the meeting information.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Keeping in touch

CCLC hopes you and your family are staying safe and strong during this unconventional time. This has been a very uncertain time for all of us. With the development of the COVID-19, CCLC has had to cancel all in-person tutoring.  Although we had to stop in-person tutoring, we have been exploring new boundaries of virtual distance learning and encouraging and supporting virtual tutoring where possible.  The current situation has stirred dedication and resilience from all of our volunteers and students. Because we all know – Literacy Does Matter. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


In response to the recent state of emergency regarding the COVID-19), the Charles County Literacy Council will follow announcements from Governor Larry Hogan, the Maryland Dept. of Health, the Charles County Dept. of Health and the Charles County Public Schools. As precaution for all we are suspending tutoring until further notice. Our Program Coordinator will be teleworking from March 17 through April 24. She will be available through email during our regular office hours, Monday - Thursday, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Our email is  As you read this, please remember that there are those who cannot.  Literacy Does Matter.

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 3 Council Meeting

Next CCLC meeting -- March 3, 7 pm. at the United Way House.  Join us -- find out about CCLC,  ask questions, seek advice.

Welcome to new tutors

Thank you and welcome to our new tutors from Saturday's workshop -- Jenifer, Monica, Helen and Mary Elizabeth. They truly learned the positive impact they will have in someone's life -- not to mention truly understanding what it means for those who cannot read or "can" read but simply don't understand what they are reading. When someone says to you, can you read this to me, I forgot my glasses, there is the possibility that it truly means: can you read this to me because I can't read it.
Our next workshop will be in the Spring. If you and your organization may be interested in outreach and becoming tutors, we can bring our workshop to you. Just give us a call -- 301-934-6488.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Literacy Matter #3

LITERACY MATTERS – Fact No. 3 -- Did you know…68% of literacy programs are struggling with long student waiting lists and less than 10 percent of adults in need are receiving services.*  Imagine finally making that phone call, going through the process and then having to wait and wait for a tutor. CCLC has such a waiting list.  With one hour once a week, you can help reduce that waiting list!  Sign up for our February 29 workshop.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.). LITERACY DOES MATTER.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 29, 2020 -- 9 am - 3:30 pm - at United Way House, La Plata

Literacy Matters 2

LITERACY MATTERS –  Fact No. 2. Did you know….Individuals at the lowest literacy and numeracy levels have a higher rate of unemployment and earn lower wages than the national average. Low literacy costs the U.S. at least $225 billion each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime, and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment.*  With one hour once a week, CCLC and its tutors work to reduce those numbers here in Charles County.  You can too!  SIGN UP FOR OUR FEBRUARY 29 WORKSHOP.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.). LITERACY DOES MATTER.

*Statistic provided by ProLiteracy

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Literacy Matters No. 1

LITERACY MATTERS – Did you know…that 36 million adults in the United States cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level.*  Now imagine being that person who cannot read or do basic math.  “It took me a long time to finally pick up the phone and call you.  And this is hard to say, I cannot read and need help.” That was the start of a phone call to CCLC from a new adult learner.  With one hour once a week, CCLC and its tutors work to help such individuals and reduce those literacy numbers here in Charles County.  You can be a part of this too!  SIGN UP FOR OUR FEBRUARY 29 WORKSHOP.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.).  Call the office (301-934-6488) or email ( for info.  LITERACY DOES MATTER.

*Statistic provided by ProLiteracy

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

OUR NEXT TRAINING WORKSHOP is scheduled for Saturday, February 29 from 9 am-3:30 pm. Did you know that approximately 15,000 Charles County residents are either illiterate or functional illiterate? For over 50 years that is where the service of the Charles County Literacy Council has come in. Join in making the difference for as little as one hour once a week by coming a literacy tutor.
A one-day workshop with pre-reading materials beforehand will certify you as a ProLiteracy Tutor. You must pre-register. Email or call ( (301-934-6488) for details. PS -- Imagine not being able to read this! If you can, you are one of the lucky ones. Each One, Teach One.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS TO ROTARY 4-WAY TESTERS, a team from the Rotary Club, La Plata.  Fourteen teams competed at Saturday's (January 11) Adult Team Spelling Bee. In the final round spelling correctly the word  "zucchetto" (a Roman Catholic cleric's skullcap: black for a priest, purple for a bishop, red for a cardinal, and white for the Pope), Rotary 4 Way Testers became the 2020 SPELLING BEE GRAND CHAMPIONS!  Congratulations to them and to all the teams for a great and fun competition and to all the guests for coming out and cheering on the teams and supporting the Charles County Literacy Council. It was a fun night! 

Sunday, January 5, 2020

THIS IS IT --  a fun, exciting night begins this Saturday, January 11 -- the CCLC's 2nd Adult Team Spelling Bee! Join us for a fun, spirited night at the St. Mary’s Bryantown Church (off of Oliver Shop Road).  The doors open at 6 pm with the event beginning at 6:30 pm.  Come out and cheer for a team. $30 admission for food, beverages (wine and beer available for purchase), dessert, music and entertainment provided by Country Cruizers and FUN!!!  Not only will you have a fun evening, you will be supporting CCLC in its mission of free adult literacy tutoring in our community. Call (301.934.6488) or email ( for more info.