Monday, February 24, 2020

Literacy Matter #3

LITERACY MATTERS – Fact No. 3 -- Did you know…68% of literacy programs are struggling with long student waiting lists and less than 10 percent of adults in need are receiving services.*  Imagine finally making that phone call, going through the process and then having to wait and wait for a tutor. CCLC has such a waiting list.  With one hour once a week, you can help reduce that waiting list!  Sign up for our February 29 workshop.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.). LITERACY DOES MATTER.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 29, 2020 -- 9 am - 3:30 pm - at United Way House, La Plata

Literacy Matters 2

LITERACY MATTERS –  Fact No. 2. Did you know….Individuals at the lowest literacy and numeracy levels have a higher rate of unemployment and earn lower wages than the national average. Low literacy costs the U.S. at least $225 billion each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime, and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment.*  With one hour once a week, CCLC and its tutors work to reduce those numbers here in Charles County.  You can too!  SIGN UP FOR OUR FEBRUARY 29 WORKSHOP.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.). LITERACY DOES MATTER.

*Statistic provided by ProLiteracy

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Literacy Matters No. 1

LITERACY MATTERS – Did you know…that 36 million adults in the United States cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level.*  Now imagine being that person who cannot read or do basic math.  “It took me a long time to finally pick up the phone and call you.  And this is hard to say, I cannot read and need help.” That was the start of a phone call to CCLC from a new adult learner.  With one hour once a week, CCLC and its tutors work to help such individuals and reduce those literacy numbers here in Charles County.  You can be a part of this too!  SIGN UP FOR OUR FEBRUARY 29 WORKSHOP.  Learn about this rewarding experience and of the impact YOU can make on one person’s life.  (Pre-registration is a must.).  Call the office (301-934-6488) or email ( for info.  LITERACY DOES MATTER.

*Statistic provided by ProLiteracy